The 2019 Hero Poll (Round 1) ended back in January – here’s the results if you need a reminder of who won. Last year, after the 2018 poll I decided to host an interview style “chat” with the heroes who placed the highest in the poll. For that interview I asked for questions you wanted to ask the heroes and it was a lot of fun going through the many suggestions and writing up with the guys would respond. Here’s where you can read the 2018 Hero Interview.
With everything going on with Angelique’s series I didn’t have time to ask for question submissions but I still wanted give you a thank you for participating! So here’s the 2019 Hero Interview, (In a PDF) although you’ll notice that we don’t really have a chance to go over many questions thanks to the mass chaos of so many characters talking at once. (Merlin was very proud to win twice in a row.)
I hope it’s as fun for you to read as it was for me to write! And another big thank you to everyone who voted in the poll and submitted ideas for the Most Wanted Hero. For those of you who are wondering, Round 2 of the Hero Poll – where you get to vote for the Most Wanted Hero (type) – is coming later in March So stay tuned!
On behalf of all my heroes, thank you for your loyalty and support! We couldn’t do it without you, Champions!