It's December, which means I can officially start the Christmas themed blog posts! And what better way to kick off the season but with the gift of a free book?!?
That's right! Between now and December 4th you can get Princess Ahira for free on Amazon, so share the news with anyone you think would enjoy this dragon/princess story!

Get your book gift: | All other Amazon stores Since Princess Ahira is a standalone and not part of a series I don't get a chance to talk about it very much. I'm including the book description below, but I'm curious what the Champions think of this book? (I know many of you have read it since I've made it free before. 😉 ) Do you remember when you first tried this book ? What parts did you liked best? Ahira isn’t a typical princess. When she’s kidnapped by dragons on her sixteenth birthday she declares it the best thing that has ever happened to her. No more etiquette lessons! Assigned to a powerful but extremely messy dragon named Azmaveth, Ahira soon makes friends with the magical creatures around her new home. Even cleaning up after Azmaveth and putting up with with his failed magic experiments isn’t too bad, until he forces her to work with his human steward, Kohath. Kohath is a piece of work. His bossy attitude combined with his lack of personal space makes him the most infuriating male Ahira has ever met. He’s also hiding a huge secret. But war is looming with the Valkyrie, and not even the dragons are immune to political maneuvering. A surprise betrayal breaks Ahira’s heart and sends her packing back to her old home. If she does nothing she’ll never see Azmaveth, Kohath, or the rest of her magical friends again. Happily ever afters don’t come easy, but this princess just might be willing to fight for hers.