Greetings, Champions! I come to you today bearing gifts–that I again had a bugger of a time trying to keep secret from you all.
I teamed up with the wonderfully talented Ilari Nikkarikoski, who drew a beautiful black and white rendition of Verglas!
So many of the Fairy Tale stories either visit or take place in Verglas, so I’ve really been wanting to do something with it. This particular map is actually from the Snow Queen’s era–in particularly it is quite accurate for the year after the War of Ice and Snow. (You can tell that because Ensom Peak has been renamed Fresler’s Helm) However, not much, as in barely anything at all, has changed since then so it still gives you a great idea of what the country looks like.
As it was with the map of the continent, this map is not done perfectly to scale, and all the details are not exactly right, so think of it as more of a reference or guide then a perfect representation.
I’ll be posting it on the Timeless Fairy Tales page, so if you ever want to take a second gander at it, you can find it there.
Thanks for reading, Champions! I hope you have a splendid week!