Guild Emblems
Heroes of Retha
The Heroes of Retha name was previously put on hold by the game designers as a way to keep players from using it since it involves copyrighted/trademarked names and they didn't want there to be any possible abuses of the name. Since, Kit was "awarded" this guild name, as of the events of "the Revived" she hasn't had a chance to pick an emblem or do anything else to customize the guild besides register new guildmates. However, with Noir as a very exuberant new member, all of that is about to change...

While Steadfast has regular meetings with a focus on questing, and has a great reputation for helping new/lower level recruits, Steadfast will hold parties in which they'll complete quests for specific furniture items, cosmetic items, or mounts. This is partially due to the influence of ViolentAlice's wife, who loves to decorate their Guild Zone and has a goal of collecting every furniture piece in the game. (It's also why they always seem to be questing.)

Midnight Watch
As a social-focused guild, Midnight Watch loves throwing parties in which they'll dress up in themed cosmetics and armor and play games like hide-and-seek or tag within city limits. They level together, though they don't often run dungeons or enter PVP battles. Diablio became the leader because he's the only member dedicated enough to make arrangements outside of the game, using players' real life phone numbers/email addresses, to organize guild socials. This dedication is also why his guildmates love him so much, they know he genuinely cares about all of them and that he wants them to have fun.

Braveheart Company
The guild's first officer, a dwarf by the name of Edmund Ironside, is the only reason why the guild stays together, and is also the reason why the guild does as well as it does. Edmund Ironside is the encouraging dad of the guild. While Saint George is the superior player, Edmund Ironside is acknowledged inside the guild as the more desirable leader because he knows his players and understands teamwork where as Saint George focuses entirely on the outcome that he wants. Unfortunately for Braveheart, Edmund has refused to start his own guild, which is why Braveheart has continued to exist in its current format.

There is a dress code of dark clothes required for all members of Tainted. Whether or not the members actually follow it is something else all together, but Ryunosuke and Reynard try to enforce the rule for PVP matches. (Rumor has it, the dress code is for intimidation purposes, but in actuality it's because Ryunosuke was hoping it would dissuade less serious players and only attract hard core PVP players that match the guild's ideals.)

Silver Army
While Silver Army is recognized as a raid guild, all of the officers in the guild are high ranking veteran players who use their skills to teach new players and generally just want everyone to have a good in game experience. As a result, Silver Army is considered to be one of the most 'new player friendly' guilds in the server, which is why they have such high membership and very responsive members who are eager to learn about Retha while the guild itself is generally very laid back. What most players haven't realized is that Silver Army's reputation is so sterling because a lot of the new players join Silver Army eventually leave to join other guilds once they figure out what they like most about the game and are at a level where they can be more self-sufficient, and those ex-Silver Army players typically become deeply involved in their own guilds and in turn will pledge their guild's support to Silver Army whenever Silver Army asks for a favor. Bottom Line? White Lady is a marketing genius! (And a saint for dealing with all of those new players!)

Killing Squad
Killing Squad is a raid focused guild--which means they go through dungeons as a group and love to pit themselves against boss monsters. To join the guild you must play as an animal-humanoid. For example, both the guildmaster and the first officer are werewolves. Fun Guild Fact: Most of the members of the Killing Squad have alternate characters that aren't animal-humanoids and belong to different guilds, but the Killing Squad has a general rule that they won't out each other to other players. This is a rule they've had to bend in this new era of Retha because a few of their players are stranded on their alts, as you all will discover in Book #4…

Defenders of Talith
All members of the Defenders of Talith are close to if not at level cap, and have advanced classes and excellent armor sets. Not because they're over achievers or even want to be high leveled, but because they each wanted very specific and very beautiful armor sets for their RP characters that are only available at upper levels and require a lot of work to achieve.

La Lune
La-Lune is run by Tough Beard, an older player that Kit played with on her main character with her guild, Milk Crown. La-Lune wasn't formed until after Milk Crown disbanded, and it's not very big, but it's well respected due to Tough Beard's vast social contacts. Fun guild fact: La Lune is French for "the Moon." Tough Beard came up with the name because he's actually a renaissance literature professor and wanted something more whimsical because he wanted his guild to be a relaxed group and not focus so much on PVP and raids. As a result, the guildmates are much more like close friends and mostly just help one another and aid other guilds when they want to raid or quest instead of doing it on their own. (Simultaneously, he also chose the guild's name because "lune" sounds a lot like the English word "Loon" and Tough Beard has a twisted sense of humor.)

Fun fact about KOS: none of the members know what KOS stands for. It was something the previous Guildmaster came up with, and none of the original players are around, so no one remembers what it is shorthand for!

Corporate Force
Corporate Force was created with the idea that businesses can rule Retha. While all the members are very high leveled, they are all also extremely wealthy, because the guild encourages members to engage in online industries and businesses. A lot of their power actually comes from their ability to wheel and deal and general commerce abilities. Most of the members are adults as a result of this focus. This emblem probably most shows off RayJay's abilities to take my vague descriptions and do awesome things with it. I very specifically wanted people in business clothes--showing off Corporate Force's industry focus--looking ready to kick butt. (Because if they can't use their businesses to get what they want, they'll just fight for it!)

Observational Fiends
Since Observational Fiends doesn't have a guildzone, their after-raid parties and player celebrations are always held at their guildmistress's personal home in Yuuyo Bamboo Forest. Historically, a number of those parties have become rowdy enough that guard NPCs have placed month-long bans on the guild members, temporarily booting them from Yuuyo until the ban resets.

The Fellowship of the Bling
Self-explanatory, really.

Milk Crown
Fun fact, but the name Milk Crown was inspired by the way milk splashes when it hits a surface, and forms a crown shape.