It’s time to talk about future book projects, and this news is going to disappoint a lot of readers so I’m going to jump right into it. Some of you are likely very worried about my poor health (or getting sick of hearing about it) but the truth is that due to several ongoing issues I’ve had physical health problems since 2021. This has now started to impact my mental and emotional health and it’s also impacting my ability to write. Writing a fiction book isn’t the same as many jobs in that there is a limit to how much I can force myself to write when I am burned out/in bad health before my brain just gives up.
I have already pushed myself beyond the point where I should have and the support professionals I use are all saying the same thing: I shouldn’t continue pushing myself when my body and brain are clearly telling me I need a break.
Therefore, effective immediately, I am going on hiatus and no new books will be written or published until the hiatus is over.
I can’t tell you how long the hiatus will be for either of my pen names, but it will be at least two years from now before I will start writing again.
This does not mean I am abandoning my unfinished series, and I am still committed to finishing Retha, Elves of Lessa, and the Fairy Tale Enchantress series. I also have more stories in the Magiford world I would love to tell. But to do any of these things I need to take the time needed to get well again. I’m really sad this is necessary. Writing as a career was my dream for most of my life, but that is also the reason why I must take extreme measures and put myself on a hiatus, because I want to keep doing this, and if this goes on much longer I won’t be able to.
I recognize that this announcement is disappointing for many of my Champions and you might have very strong feelings about this. Our community is amazing, so I already know the vast majority of you will be understanding and concerned for me and I’m so thankful for you.
Of course, many of us will be sad about this announcement (including me), and that’s totally understandable. I want to make sure you reach out to a supportive friend locally if you feel more than sadness, though. I’ve learned the value of mental health support these last few years, and I’m going to advocate for you to take care of yourself, as well. Additionally, we want to protect the community’s wellbeing, so we will be deleting email, posts, and comments that cross the line of what the community needs in order to grieve this together. Anything mean or hateful will be deleted. This is also the reason why commenting is turned off on this post. We will return to our regular posting schedule on social media and the newsletter, once this letter has been seen by the community.
The KM Shea brand will still release audiobooks as scheduled and there will be series sales and community fun ongoing as well, because those are supported by the entire KM Shea team. You can also expect to see an ebook boxset for both Chloe’s trilogy and Jade’s–though we don’t have any release dates on those at the moment. However, there will be no new content (no new stories) until the hiatus has passed. Thank you all so much for all the support and encouragement you’ve given me—not only now during my health struggles, but throughout my career as an author. I appreciate how much you love my stories and have acted as their Champions. I wish you all the best as you continue to enjoy these worlds, and you’re always in my thoughts.
Kitty, I’m really worried about you! / Kitty, are you secretly dying?
I promise this is not a secretive way for me to announce that I am dying. I am already working with multiple medical doctors to improve my health and I am optimistic that things will get better but I need to give myself the time needed for this to happen. I feel bad that this announcement is likely giving some of you ulcers in worry for me – please know that I appreciate your support and I love every one of you who has sweetly but firmly lectured me in the past to take good care of myself – you gave me the courage to make this scary announcement and I wish I had listened to you sooner.
What about Angelique, Retha, or Elves of Lessa? / What about Magiford?
I am not abandoning my unfinished series, and I am still committed to finishing Retha, Elves of Lessa, and the Fairy Tale Enchantress series. I also have more trilogies in the Magiford world I want to write. However. This hiatus will definitely last at least two years and therefore I do not have an expected release date I can share. Pestering or harassing my team for a release date you would prefer will not get you the books any sooner. Any future emails demanding a release date will be deleted and the community moderators have full authority to delete any rants or demands for book release dates.
Will you still be posting on social media, the newsletter, or the blog?
As part of this hiatus I am turning the blog, newsletter, and all my social media over to my team to manage. They have been helping me with all the graphics and content ideas so this will be an easy transition and they will continue the fun games and posts you know and love. The newsletter for KM Shea books will be shorter but it will still be delivered twice a month. As I mentioned above, there will still be sales and more audiobooks and ebook boxsets of already completed series will be made available, so there will still be fun to be had despite my absence!
What about reader events?
The Readers Take Denver Event that I was originally scheduled to attend in 2025 was cancelled by the organizers several days ago. I will not be attending any other in person events during the hiatus. I will be attending virtually the SheaCon 2024 event. It is an online event planned and hosted by a team of dedicated Champions. It’s hosted on Discord and is scheduled for July 19th – 21st 2024. During SheaCon I won’t be answering questions about my hiatus—I’d rather spend my time chatting with you all and talking about books!
Do I really have to wait at least 2 years for a new book?
Correct. I suspect this news is going to hit my longtime fairytale/epic fantasy Champions hardest. So, during this time I really want to encourage you to consider trying out new-to-you authors in Fantasy or Fairy Tales. There are many wonderful authors who have debuted in the last couple of years but have not found an audience and are at risk of having to give up their author writing and focus on another career so they can pay the bills.
This is your chance to be a hero and find these unknown authors and SHARE them with your fellow readers!
You are always welcome to ask for other author recommendations on the Discord/Facebook communities. You can plug other authors you have read on the communities as long as the book content matches our community guidelines.