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Apprentice of Magic – The Duke’s New Clothes

Apprentice of Magic Book1

Angelique’s first book, Apprentice of Magic, has been available for over a week now, and I’ve been overwhelmed at the outpouring of comments, reviews, social media posts, and more! Thank you so much Champions!

Thank you again to everyone who has left a review. As an author the reviews make my books look more “legit” (especially on a book 1 like Apprentice of Magic) and as a reader I appreciate hearing what fellow readers thought of a book before trying it myself. Thank you for taking the time to leave your thoughts regarding the book. Once thing I was a little surprised to learn from the reviews was how many of you have been following the Timeless Fairy Tales series for years! So a special thank you to the Champions who have been sticking with me for so long!

And now, the moment you’ve been waiting forClick here for the bonus short story, The Duke’s New Clothes. This story is one of the many jobs that Evariste takes Angelique on during her time as an apprentice. They actually refer to this event in Apprentice of Magic, but I chose not to include it in the actual book because it was already getting really long, and while it is fun it wasn’t strictly needed for the plot line. If you liked the Boy Who Cried Wolf scene you’ll probably like this one. 🙂  I hope you enjoy it!

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