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Feeling Curious–a Hero Poll!

Greetings, Champions! I’ve been puttering around my office, getting ready to plot out my next book. (For those keeping track, Enlighten is on the brink of its release, and Puss In Boots is at the chopping block with Editor #2, which means I have a bit of free time! Woohoo!) Plotting is a lot of fun, and it stretches my creativity and imagination as it’s during the plotting that I come up with my characters, world, and story.

This next hero has been a joy to plan out–think Mr. Darcy with his mouth unhinged–but it got me thinking…what kind of heroes do you prefer? I know that there are a lot of differing opinions out there. Some of you love the quiet but affectionate Severin of B&B, others love Callan of The Little Selkie for his sweet but introverted personality, and so on and so forth. No matter what hero I create, some of you will love him and some of you won’t be terribly impressed. It’s not a reflection of there is only ONE kind of Prince Charming/Mr. Right, but the opposite. As we’re all different we’re all going to have our own preferences. (Which is good news, because it means that somewhere out there is someone who will appreciate and love your quirks and personality traits!)

BUT! I’m still curious. You see, I am terribly unloyal as an author, and I love a huge variety of male personalities. I can’t even say I like any male character as long as he’s smart because I ADORED Prince/King Toril of Rumpelstiltskin, and he is an idiot. This is good, because it means you will find all sorts of different personalities in my books, but I’m curious to see what kind of male the majority of you like reading about.

So I’ve created a poll! I decided to use my characters as reference because I know you’ve met these guys, or you wouldn’t be here. (There is nothing more disappointing than waxing on over a character only to discover your conversation partner has never read the book. Yes, it has happened to me. More than once.)

VOTING RULES: If I designed it right, it should allow you to vote more than once, which I’m all for. However, please try to limit yourself to your absolute favorites and please DO NOT vote for the same type of guy more than once! Also, PLEASE comment on this post if you have an additional type you like! Or comment to explain why you voted multiple times, or just comment! I take your responses seriously, so this is a bit of market research for me. Because of that I would really like to see some good discussion take place!

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Take Our Poll</a>

So…cast your votes and get to the comments; it’s time to see who wins!

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