Happy Halloween, Champions! You know what that means, right? Both of the Robyn Hood books–in their shiny new covers–are free for you to download right now! The sale is from October 28th through October 31st, so make sure to pick these up if you need to add them to your digital library!

I affectionately call this a Trick or Treat situation because the Robyn Hood books are the second and third books I ever wrote, and while they recently got an edit to clean them up, the story telling isn’t quite as sharp as what I can write now. But despite my greener abilities at the time, Champions have assured me they still love them for my trademark humor and strong female characters, so if you haven’t gotten them yet, now is your chance to try them for free! If you already have these books, go ahead and send this sale to a friend who you think would enjoy them!
The Robyn Hood sale is something I do every year, so it’s become an autumn tradition for the community. I enjoy it so much that when I start my planning and prepping for fall, this is one of the announcements I most look forward to sharing. (I LOVE seasonal and holiday traditions!) Thank you for being such a fun community that we can have traditions like this. I love writing, but chatting with bookish friends and making memories with you all year after year…that’s tough to beat! 😉
Have a Happy Halloween, Champions! Enjoy the free books, and thank you for reading!