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Happy Mother’s Day!

Sunday May, 9th is Mother’s Day in the United States (and several other countries).

I am not a mother–unless Perfect Dog qualifies as a child–but I have a wonderful mom who, in addition to being a patient woman (raising a child as imaginative and sensitive as me was no small feat) continues to advise and teach me to this day. My mom is one of my beta readers. She catches editing errors, and she has a special knack for noticing when I accidentally let a character drop from a scene. She also poses as a sounding board, and lets me talk out my ideas with her. Her friends would be shocked to learn the high percentage of our conversations that revolve around make-believe people and places.

I know quite a few of my Champions are mothers, but no matter your status–grandparent, parent, step-parent, sibling, child, friend–when you boil it down, today is about celebrating love!

With that in mind, here’s two of my short stories that celebrate this love:

  1. Parent’s Night: PDF file (Court of Midnight and Deception series)

  2. A Mother’s Responsibility: PDF file (Snow White series)

If you enjoyed these you can find all my short stories in the Freebies/Extra section. There are stories from every series and even a few stand alone shorts so there are a lot to choose from, enjoy!

P.S. Now that I think about it, I spent most of April cooking rice and chicken for Perfect Dog and occasionally sleeping on the couch as she wasn’t feeling well. (She’s better now, but it was a long four weeks.) So I’ve decided Perfect Dog does qualify as a child! And what kind of mother would I be if I didn’t share a photo of my cute “child” when given the chance? So here for your viewing pleasure – a photo of Perfect Dog from this last winter! What about you Champion, do you like to share photos of your children/pets? 🙂

Perfect Dog

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