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November 27, 2023 at 08:53 AM UTC

Thank you, Kitty, for writing the books that have kept me company through many a long, stressed out, sleepless night over the past 8-9 years. Your heroines have never failed to make me laugh or to warm my heart when I needed it most! <3
So glad the next book comes out in just a few weeks – your timing really is uncanny!!
With much gratitude,

Janice Caggiano

November 24, 2023 at 06:31 AM UTC



November 23, 2023 at 09:47 PM UTC

Thank you SO VERY MUCH, Kitty, fir giving us so many fabulous stories to read & characters to meet! Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving 2023!

Happy Thanksgiving to all my Champions! 🦃 Today is the day Americans celebrate Thanksgiving, with the core theme of the holiday revolving around giving thanks/gratitude. Because of that I want to thank our entire community for your continued kindness and loyalty. Your notes of encouragement and support are what gave me the strength to continue writing through the the last few years. And and the kindness you show to me and all the other wonderful Champions in our amazing community never fail to warm my heart. 🥰 Thank you so much–I’m so thankful for all of you Champions, and for our wonderful community.

In the spirit of the season, it’s the perfect time to read (or re-read) a King Arthur and Her Knights short story I wrote years ago with a Thanksgiving theme. It is–very accurately and very originally–called: Thanksgiving! Now, Happy Turkey Day! I’m off to make some whipped cream for some pumpkin pie–enjoy your feast!

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