You asked, and Rock-Star-Assistant-Meg has granted your wish! A Goose Girl–book #1 in the Entwined Tales series I did with my author pals–is now available in paperback! (Amazon is still linking the ebook and paperback together, so you might need to check my Amazon Author Page to find it.)

Goose Girl is a novella, so it’s a REALLY SMALL paperback, but for those of you who have been dying to have the complete Entwined Tales collection, now you can! A big thank you to Meg for making this happen. I’ve been doing so much the last few months I didn’t have the time to think about it, but she persevered because she wanted it to be available to you Champions for Christmas!
As a side note, Reign of Magic won’t be making its paperback debut before Christmas–we have some typos to clean up before it goes to the press–but it will be out in 2020!
Thanks for reading, Champions, and have a lovely weekend!