Today we’re discussing Between Shifts, book #2 of the City Between series.
In Between Shifts we depart from the search for the Behindkind serial killer, and meet a slew of werewolf characters.
To me, Between Shifts is mostly about Pet settling into a life with the psychos that is more permanent than she initially imagined in book 1, and her “owners” also get more used to her.
Zero takes bigger strides to protect her–which to me proves he’s got more of a heart than he or Athelas are willing to admit. I found it adorable that he was so set on teaching Pet to protect herself, and he seemed the most disgruntled with Pet’s temporary jaunt as a werewolf. 😉
JinYeong also seems to be a little more intent on forging some kind of relationship with Pet. I thought it was very interesting that on more than one occasion he wanted to hang out or eat lunch with her at the store, when there was no real reason to. (I don’t think it was just because Zero told him to keep her safe. He had windows in his office, it wasn’t necessary to get her in the same room as him.)
I’m fairly certain that between book #1 and book #2, Athelas has given Pet more information than his usual devious/manipulative personality would allow. I wouldn’t go so far as to say he has a big soft spot for her, but considering that he’s far more cut-throat than Zero, it seems he’s letting his shields down with her more than one would expect.
We don’t get tons of new information about the fae/Behindkind, but I think with the introduction of werewolves that opens to the door to the possibility that Pet might not be fae, but that doesn’t mean she’s not a different sort of Behindkind. (She keeps doing stuff that should be impossible for humans, so I think she really can’t be pure human at this point.)
I did find it interesting, though, that the psychos were willing to drag her with them to go visit the water so the fae could re-charge. It might appear they do so because they don’t think she’s a threat at all, but it seems like she’s really growing on them, even if they aren’t fully aware of it.
This book also went much farther in making me like our favorite Detective. I wasn’t entirely certain how I felt about him after book 1, but I like him a lot more in this story. He’s not as antagonistic to Pet, so their scenes together are quite fun!
As for possible romance, I think it’s still a toss up. I have no idea where W. R. is going to take this series, and I love that! I did find, though, the most interesting line regarding love in this book happened early on–at approximately the 14% mark. Athelas and Pet are discussing the psychos and love (a rather unusual topic). I don’t remember the exact phrasing, but Athelas says something along the lines of JinYeong shouldn’t love, and Zero can’t, and Pet chimes in that Athelas shouldn’t either. (Can anyone get the exact quote? I’m writing this up at a cafe and my Kindle is back home.) My big question for this week, Champions, is what do you make of THAT?
Obviously you should leave your own theories and observations down below, but here are a few additional questions I’d be curious to hear your thoughts about:
Do you think JinYeong, Athelas, and Zero treat Pet differently in this book? If so, in what ways?
What do you think about the concept of werewolves being infected by a virus?
When did you realize who the real werewolf villain was?
Happy chatting, Champions! I’ll see you on Monday for my FAVORITE book (so far) in the series, Between Floors, and remember you still have time to enter this week’s give away–some Elves of Lessa stickers!