We are just hours away from Jade's new trilogy, Magic on Main Street launching! I've got the links to the pre-orders one more time if you need them but I'm also using the post to launch a special treat that Vin, our Discord Chief Moderator, and I have dreamed up for you for while you are reading The Lies of Vampires and Slayers.
Amazon.com | All other Amazon Stores The Magic on Main Street series doesn't deal with the Paragon's search (which he talks about in the Gate of Myth and Power series) and because of that Jade doesn't interact with most of the other series characters you know and love (other than the Drakes!). But since this is still the same city as the other books I've sprinkled tons of cameos of characters and places you will recognize! Some of them will be pretty obvious and some of them will be harder to identify, even if you took my advice to re-read the other books. To help you track down all the cameos Vin created a "Spot it!" tracking graphic for you. Click here or on the graphic below to download it and then color it in/mark it when you find each cameo.
This is the extra hard version of the "Spot it!" tracker that doesn't have any of the answers included, it just has a clip art representing the place/character. When I release the bonus short story for reaching 100 honest reviews on The Lies of Vampires and Slayers I will post the version that has the names included. For now, I'm going to give you one hint - not all of the characters Vin has listed in the "People" section represent actual "people". Vin and I had a lot of fun putting this together so let us know what you think of this activity!