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October 10, 2021 at 04:23 PM UTC

That interview was beautiful XDD

Also, yes, picking just ONE of your series was HARD!
But for old times’ sake, I had to go with MBRC. It was the first of yours that I read, and it came to me at a time when I desperately needed Morgan, Dave, Fran, and the rest of the gang. Still holding out hope for a Morgan & Brit crossover some day.
Keep writing what brings you joy, Kitty. It shows in your writing, and I have yet to see a story you love fail to enchant every single one of us!! Thank you for all you do <3


September 25, 2021 at 11:52 AM UTC

Thanks for the character interview and reader survey! I loved it! I really REALLY wanted to read a Leila Nd Hazel interview(I adored the 2020 couples interview, it was so great to see the interactions between opposite couples and between hero and heroine in the couple!) And it was practically torture deciding which world was our favorite😫!
Though I finally decided on Magiford as Hazel is very special to me cause she was the one whose book introduced me to my favorite author😉!

Blythe Spendlove

September 22, 2021 at 07:46 PM UTC

I love the memes lol!


September 20, 2021 at 05:48 AM UTC

I am SOOOOOO glad I found you on Kindle Unlimited 2? years ago!! You’ve quickly stolen your way to be my FAVORITE author. Each story and series you write is exactly what I need when I need a quick “pick me up”. I love your sense of humor and how it just bleeds into your writing and worlds, making them bright places of positivity. It was hard to choose my favorite world, but I had to go with Magiford Supernatural City, because the Court of Midnight and Deception trilogy is one of my ABSOLUTE FAVORITES ever. (I just got the paperbacks of all three for my birthday this past week! And I plan on slowly getting physical copies of the rest of my favorites, being a poor college student and all lol).

I LOVE The Fairytale Enchantress series as well, and am so excited to read the rest in a few years!! Angel is one of my favorite characters, and the series has a special place in my heart for being the first KM Shea book I found! (+I’m holding off on reading the Snow Queen trilogy until I’ve finished Angel’s story hahaha)

I also SUPER appreciate all of the (free) bonus content you give. I can tell you truly love your characters just as much as your Champions, if not more. Definitely going to introduce your books to my future children one day. THANK YOU, FOR EVERYTHING


September 17, 2021 at 10:14 PM UTC

I absolutely love the character interview, I also love how salty Angel (I’m going by her nickname) is, she needs to have a calm relaxing vacation. I agree with Sofie, it was hard to pick my favorite series but in the end I picked the fairytale series. Snow white was the first book I read of yours,( I thought it was book 1 -.- XD)so I had to stay faithful. The survey was fun, I’m so happy I found out about your series! Your my favorite author, #1 (then Chris Colfer and C.J. Archer and maybe Isadora Brown XD) Your stories make me smile, and as soon as timeless fairytales came out I begged my mom to get me the whole series. (I got them but I had to agree to ask for no more books for a while T.T, totally worth it though) Anyways I love your books TYSM!!!


September 17, 2021 at 09:10 PM UTC

Thank you, the reader survey was so fun! ( For me, anyway.) Although, picking ONE of your series as my favorite was EXTREMELY hard!

The character interview was great! You always have so much bonus content for your books/characters, more than any other author I know, and I really enjoy it. It shows how well you write and know your characters. You’re an amazing author, Miss Shea!

2021 Reader Survey

I am so excited to announce the return of our Annual Reader Survey! Woohoo!

I can practically hear the confusion of some of the newer Champions, so let me explain! Nearly every year the team and I put together a reader survey. (I skipped last year because it was 2020, nuff said.)

It might not sound exciting, but the results of the survey are vital to me and our community because it helps me learn a lot about you Champions, what book genres you’re interested in, what ways I should focus on expanding/growing our community, what events I should do and more!

The survey is multiple choice and it’s only ten questions, so you should be able to finish it super quickly.

Please Take My Survey - Meme on Imgur

And here’s the most important part: since I’m so thankful you are willing to take the time to fill out this survey for me, I whipped up a special bonus character interview for everyone who completes the survey!

Click here to take the survey now!

Once you click the submit button at the end of the survey, wait for the confirmation page to appear! The link to the  bonus character interview will appear on that page, so don’t close it until you’ve had a chance to click on the link and reader the character interview!

The character interview will eventually show up on my website (probably in January) so if you don’t want to take the survey, or if you really want to read it again, you will have the chance to get it in a few months. And in case you are wondering the interview is spoiler free for Trial of Magic – although Angelique is part of the interview and she doesn’t hold back from sharing her thoughts!

A special thank you to everyone who has filled out one of my reader surveys in the past! I appreciate hearing from you and getting ideas for new ways to have fun with you Champions. I changed out a few of the questions from last time and including adding some new questions related to Sheacon. I’m really excited to see if the answers for the recurring questions change, since the 2019 survey was before any of you had heard of a certain scrappy wizard named Hazel. 🙂

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