It is time, Champions! Summer (in the Northern Hemisphere) is here which means it is time to READ!

To celebrate the summer release of Trial of Magic–the fourth book in the Fairy Tale Enchantress series–for this year’s reading challenge we picked out five books for you to read that will prepare you for Trial of Magic. They are: Twelve Dancing Princesses (Timeless Fairy Tales # 10); Snow White (Timeless Fairy Tales # 11); Apprentice of Magic (Fairy Tale Enchantress # 1); Curse of Magic (Fairy Tale Enchantress # 2); and Reign of Magic (Fairy Tale Enchantress # 3). Read the books, then take the quizzes linked below for some themed prizes!
Planning this event made my inner librarian downright gleeful. I previously worked in libraries for a number of years, and every year libraries make big pushes for children’s’ summer reading programs. Sometime libraries have adult programs, but they usually aren’t nearly as cool, so here’s to us adults! (And kids if you’re here, too!)
Everything kicks off with this post and goes until the release of Trial of Magic. (Which–we’re crossing our fingers, hoping, and praying that it will be released at the end of July!) This blog post has links to all the reading challenge books, as well as the links to the quizzes you need to take to get your prize. (They’re one question each, so don’t feel too intimidated! 😀 ) There is also going to be a BIG sale on the books in the Timeless Fairy Tales series and Angelique’s series, but I’ll announce more about that later since those won’t be coming for a few weeks.
Here’s the official reading list and links to the books if you need them:
Snow White | Other Amazon stores
The Twelve Dancing Princesses | Other Amazon stores
Apprentice of Magic | Other Amazon stores
Curse of Magic | Other Amazon stores
Reign of Magic | Other Amazon stores
If you are surprised to see Snow White and Twelve Dancing Princess in the challenge, know that I added them because they overlap with Trial of Magic a LOT and you will likely appreciate the scenes in Trial of Magic (and Angelique’s perspective) more if you’ve read those books.
Since this is a lot of books to keep track of we created this fun graphic for you to use to track your progress! Click the image below, download it, and color it in as you complete each book. The wolf is for Apprentice of Magic–poor Wybert–the cat is Curse of Magic, Pegasus is for Reign of Magic, the crow is Twelve Dancing Princesses, and the apple is for Snow White!
Once you’ve finished reading the book, come back here and use the links below to go to the quiz page. If you answer the quiz question correctly, it will take you to a new page with a link to your prize!
Book Quiz Links:
I realize these are a lot of pages to read, and you might have started in May or earlier to make sure you would have time to finish everything. If you started early don’t worry; you should still be able to answer the quizzes without a problem!
The prize you receive for answering each quiz is also easily shareable (this will make more sense once you see it) and Vin is starting a special post on Facebook and a separate channel on Discord so you can show off what you do with your prize.
Thank you for taking part in our Summer 2021 Reading Challenge. I hope you enjoy your prizes–I’m excited to hear what you think about them!