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February 24, 2023 at 01:05 AM UTC

My girls and I are finding more and more interest in studying Greek mythology and constellations because of your awesome books! Would you ever consider making a blog post about resources you use to help with your stories? As a homeschool mama, any time my kids become more interested in learning I try to follow their lead. WE are all enormous fans of your books, like every single one!!! We own all of them on kindle and have begun collecting them all in paperback now too! Thank you for writing clean and sweet romances with clever, witty, and relatable characters!

Announcing: FebFest!

Every summer we have SeaCon which is a fan organized event hosted on Discord with guest authors and fun activities. And this year for the first time ever, our Chief Planner Cindy and the rest of the SheaCon Planners have whipped up some extra community magic for you! Hopefully this will make the wait for The King’s Queen less painful? Anyway, here’s a message from our planners!

Come one, come all to SheaCon FebFest! For one afternoon only (Central time), Kitty’s discord server will be hosting special Sheacon activities like: Drawing with a Twist, Trial of Trivia, Bingo, and Printables. We hope to see you there on Saturday, February 25th starting at 2 pm Central time. (This event will last approximately two hours, so don’t be afraid to arrive late!) If you haven’t joined Kitty’s discord server yet, learn how to here!

I’ll be attending–hopefully I’ll have successfully finished writing King’s Queen by then, so I’ll be ready to party! See you there, and thanks for reading!

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