After a long wait, I’m pleased to announce that Crown of Shadows and Crown of Moonlight are both available as audiobooks on Audible!

Queen’s Crown isn’t available quite yet, but we are working on getting the final copies and then uploading it for Audible/Amazon to proof, so it should be available in a month or less!
The narrators for the Court of Midnight and Deception series are the mega talented Avery Caris and Charlie Thurston, and I can’t wait for you to hear them! Avery perfectly captured Leila’s midwestern way of speaking–which actually launched a few interesting topics of discussion among the beta listeners, so let me ask you, Champions, do you say the ‘g’ in “ugh” or is it silent for you??
As usual, audiobooks take a lot of work from a lot of people, so a huge thank you to the beta listeners–BookMadWoman and Cimorrene–for listening for errors and helping me choose the narrator with Meg’s input; to Covers By Christian for adjusting the book design for audio, Bee Audio who produced the audio files, Myrrhlynn for loading all the files online….basically, it’s a massive group effort!
We hope you enjoy the audiobooks–as I mentioned Queen’s Crown is on the way, and pretty soon The Snow Queen Saga will be available soon as well! Thanks for reading, Champions!