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August 21, 2020 at 09:45 PM UTC

I want to join really badly but unfortunately I don’t think that I’m able thanks to limited internet access. 🙁 I hope you everyone else has a great time!


August 21, 2020 at 01:46 PM UTC

when is friday 21st?
cause i live in malaysia
and you know
time confusion


August 20, 2020 at 07:19 AM UTC

I am so excited!!

Coming Soon: SheaCon!

Champions, the time is almost upon us! SheaCon begins in a few days!

The fun starts FRIDAY and lasts through Saturday and Sunday! (that’s the 21st through the 23rd) But rather than tell you myself, I thought I’d have the amazing and wonderful SheaCon Planning Committee give you the rundown of what you can expect to see!

Hello Champions!

We would like to invite you to the very first Sheacon! Sheacon is an online convention that will be held on a dedicated Discord server, with planned activities as well as lots of time to discuss all things KM Shea! The con will run the weekend of August 21 to August 23. The server will open at 2 pm central time, and we will be holding an opening ceremony at 6 pm central time. There will be games and chat rooms available at all times as well as events happening throughout the weekend so that everyone can join in the fun, regardless of your time zone. We will even have some of Kitty’s author friends in attendance: Brittany Fichter, Kenley Davidson, Melanie Cellier, Shari L Tapscott and WR Gingell! Kitty will also be doing a Q&A at 11 am central time on Saturday August 22nd. To ensure you don’t miss the first ever Sheacon, you will need to be a member of Kitty’s discord server. To join her server you can follow the instructions on her blogpost at this link Once you are a member of the discord server, keep checking the #Sheacon channel for updates. On August 21st at 6 pm central time, we will hold an Opening Ceremony! We hope to see you there! The Sheacon Planning Champions

W. R. Gingell is holding a panel on Friday night at midnight central time–which will be during the day for some of our international Champions, so I hope you can come! I’ll be there for the opening ceremonies–discord has voice chat channels so you’ll be able to hear the SheaCon planning Committee and myself as we open the Con–and there’s a few other scheduled activities then, so come join us!

As the Planning Champions mentioned, the Con servers will remain closed until the fun begins Friday night, but if you’re not familiar with discord you might want to go join now so the friendly Discord Champions can help you learn the ins and outs of it!

I hope you can come! Your fellow Champions and I can’t wait to see you there!

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