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March 07, 2022 at 12:30 PM UTC

I don’t know if I can post something spoiler-y here but I really love one of the conclusions of having the human being able to run with their family in the pack. Brought tears to my eyes. Then the epilogue of Pip’s is no less emotionally-touching. Thank you for writing this trilogy about werewolf that I enjoy reading so, so much and make my weekend a lot meaningful. A great book really feeds the soul *sigh in contentment*


February 28, 2022 at 07:26 PM UTC

Loved Alpha Tom and Alpha Dale! They were my absolute favorite side characters in this book! Also loved the little cameo from the Paragon too. I had a feeling he wasn’t really old!


February 28, 2022 at 07:25 PM UTC

Loved Alpha Tom and Alpha Dale! They were my absolute favorite side characters in this book! Also loved the little cameo from the Paragon too. I had a feeling he wasn’t really old!


February 27, 2022 at 08:08 PM UTC

It was an aaaaamazing book! Spoiler alert! I really loved the fact that Chrys and Chase got together. Champions, did you recognise the fae who came for the cat onsie. I think that’s the paragon and he actually uses fae glamor to look old! Overall it was a good conclusion to the series! Thankyou kitty !


February 28, 2022 at 10:31 AM UTC

And he had the best line in the book! ““Bestie! I was just talking about you. I’m at the most adorable werewolf city. You’d hate it.””


February 28, 2022 at 07:22 PM UTC

Agreed! I laughed out loud at that 🙂

Susie Shen

February 27, 2022 at 01:49 PM UTC

I enjoyed reading this last book! I’m sooooooo happy that Chase and Chrysanthe got together in the end!!!! Hope they’ll appear more in the future :))))


February 27, 2022 at 09:19 AM UTC

This book was amazing! Ms. Kitty is such an amazing author!

Also, who’s the vampire with Jade? Do you guys think it’s a new character, or a Drake?!?!?


February 26, 2022 at 08:53 PM UTC

So happy we found what happened with Howard- I had been wondering!


February 26, 2022 at 07:31 PM UTC

Great ending to a great series! What’s next? I’m already dying for the next series. Will we learn the fate of the surviving elves?


February 27, 2022 at 03:06 AM UTC

I’m pretty sure that’s the Paragon’s mission. Kitty told us this series wouldn’t further it, though. I did enjoy his cameo in Fated.


March 02, 2022 at 09:03 PM UTC

Read through all the series again and notice all the cats and their unusual behavior all starting with Aphrodite. The paragon knows a lot more than he’s telling, starting with who/what Aphrodite really is. I’m thinking the elves have been hiding in plain sight….


March 02, 2022 at 11:17 PM UTC

Christine, yes! I also felt like there was something off with Aphrodite but didn’t think about it this way. I like this! Also to Heidu- I think/hope it will turn out to be like the case of Elves of Lessa- where the high elves were really bad but the lesser elves were good. I’m hoping there are good elves that hid in order to survive and want to return to society but need help (Paragon!) to convince other sups that they really are good.


March 03, 2022 at 09:13 PM UTC

I like that, Jen! I wish the next book could come out tomorrow. 😊


March 02, 2022 at 09:19 PM UTC

Ooh! Good thought! Although she seems like a nice cat, and the elves don’t seem very nice.

Fated: Available now!

Alright Champions, hang on to them hats and glasses, ’cause the final book in the Pack of Dawn and Destiny is here! (Yes, I love Big Thunder Mountain Railroad in Disney World, and I’m a little loopy from the excitement of everything so I’m making ride references, haha.)

Fated is the final book in the trilogy and ties up Pip and Greyson’s story. I hope the extra time I spent on it was worth it and it finishes the series off with a bang! I will be once again running my usual review special of a brand new related short story once Fated reaches around 100 reviews and I will count Amazon + Goodreads.

Thank you again Champions for being willing to take the time to leave honest reviews. Normally I mention how much they help fellow readers decide if the book is a fit for them (they do help!), but this time I wanted to let you in a bit of a secret. Whenever a new book comes out I’m always really nervous about some part of it will be received so when you take the time to share how the book touched you or what it meant to you it has a much bigger impact on me then you could possibly know. Thank you so much Champions for showing up again and again! I love all of you so much!

Fated Pack of Dawn and Destiny

Get the final book: | All Other Amazon Stores

There are some fun character cameos, but I’m going to give everyone time to read before we start down that rabbit hole. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy it, and thanks for reading!

P.S. I saved some secrets for this book, and I got to introduce some REALLY fun side characters I can’t wait for you to meet. (You will definitely recognize them when you get to that part, especially if you’ve ever lived in the Midwest.) So what are you waiting for – go get started reading!

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