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August 05, 2016 at 01:12 AM UTC

Oh, how awesome :D. Looking forward to your new site (and I’m finally going to be able to reas Swan Lake! I am so excited).

That is a lovely fanart, too! Props to the artist 😀


August 11, 2016 at 07:12 AM UTC

Yes, I’m also looking forward to the new site! (One of the new things I’ll have is a fanart gallery, so I’ll finally have a place to put these lovely images!!) I hope you enjoyed the extra! 🙂


August 02, 2016 at 03:31 PM UTC

I like the picture of Odile! 🙂

Amy R

August 02, 2016 at 03:22 AM UTC

Oh exciting!!!!! Looking forward to your new site :).

***Formally posted as Queen Aej***


August 04, 2016 at 11:04 PM UTC

ME TOO. I just about laughed myself silly when the web designer I’m working with very nicely observed that I “could perhaps use a bit of an update.”

Final Freebie

Hellow, Champions! You’ve the final freebie, The Imperial Prince is a Beast is now available. All the freebies have been moved to the freebie tab now that you’ve unlocked them all. You can find them under the “Swan Lake” header. I hope you guys enjoy this last freebie. Gemma of Rumpelstiltskin makes an appearance, along with Hvit.

As Odile plays a pretty big role in this last freebie, I wanted to share another gorgeous piece of fanart! Your fellow Champion Rhea created this totally awesome image of Odile!


It’s a bit harder to see on this smaller image, but Rhea made some totally awesome embroidery on Odile’s dress, including a moth on the waist/torso area–which I thought was adorable and perfect! (The little blue moth is so cute as well! It almost made me feel bad for being so horrified myself when I was writing the scenes with that scary-big moth in it.) If you want to see it full size, you can check it out on Rhea’s Tumblr page!

I was especially happy with Rhea’s work because Odile get’s looked over a lot in Swan Lake. She doesn’t have Empress Sonya’s wit, Benno’s confidence, Nadia’s physical skills, or Odette’s general kick-butt attitude, and she’s very quite in comparison to all of the aforementioned females, so she tends to fade into the background a bit. Even so, she was still one of my favorite characters to write because she’s so incredibly sweet.

And last of all… in approximately two months, I’m going to launch a new K. M. Shea website! I’m working with an awesome team to create this new website–we’ve outgrown this one, and I need something a little more sophisticated for book sorting purposes. As a part of that, I’m going to start shutting down comments on the pages to help ease the transition. (It’s hard to keep track of everything when new comments are constantly popping up!) Comments will stay remain open on my blog posts, its just the pages that are going to get the shut-down treatment. I cannot describe how much I’m looking forward to the new website! I feel like this placeis held together with chewing gum and tape. The new one will be much more roomy, and better organized.

Have a lovely week, Champions. I hope you enjoy this final freebie!

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