You thought the surprises were over because you’ve all seen the cover for book one, and figured out what fairy tale it’s based on, huh? Well, hold on, because I’m about to blow your minds, Champions!

That’s right, Hall of Blood and Mercy is a trilogy! Even better, all three are already written! (Or nearly written. I’m working on book #3, Magic Unleashed right now.) Magic Forged drops February 28th, Magic Redeemed will launch 3 weeks later in mid March, and the final book in the series, Magic Unleashed, will launch 4 weeks after that, in mid April! (We’ll have solid dates out soon!) For those of you who just did a double-take, let me say that yes, that’s right. You are getting three books over the course of seven weeks! And yes, it ends at three, so it will be a complete, finished series!
Buwahahah, how is that for the surprise of the year? (Please, please be surprised. I really don’t think I can top this in 2020.)
I planned the series out after I realized I was burned-out from epic fantasy once I completed Reign of Magic. Originally I was planning to just take all of November and December off, but it turns out I’m terrible at taking vacations and not working, but the idea of working on the next Angelique book made me sick.
Myrrhlynn suggested I try something entirely different from what I’d recently been writing–to clear the slate so to speak, and to give me the chance to use some writing muscles I hadn’t used in a long time. Her advice was right, because I just flew through writing Magic Forged and Magic Redeemed. I think it’s the fastest I’ve written in about two years. More importantly, I do feel a lot better having written them–the provided the exact sort of break I needed.
And hey, you guys are getting three books–an entire complete series–in less than three months! 😉 Not bad a trade, right?
Moving along, since last week we took the time to meet Hazel, I thought you all might like to meet Killian Drake, who is my version of Donkeyskin’s prince and the story’s…I hesitate to say hero?
Killian: Are you saying I’m not heroic?
Kitty: You’re the most feared vampire in the Midwest.
Killian: That merely displays my leadership capabilities. Or that the
Midwest is a particularly pathetic region in the United States.
Kitty: You might wanna hit rewind and listen to what I said again: MOST. FEARED. VAMPIRE.
Killian: It’s part of my mysterious charm.
Kitty: If you say so. So you are a key figure in vampire politics, and although you are acknowledged to be really ‘hot,’ you are also known for being conniving and pretty brutal.
Killian: It’s part of my mysterious charm.
Kitty: You can’t write off all your flaws as ‘mysterious charm!’
Killian: I can certainly try.
Kitty: Annnd that’s enough. Thanks for reading, Champions!
Thanks for hanging in there with me, and I hope you stay tuned as I release more pieces and bits about what to expect! We’ll have some solid release dates coming your way soon, and soon I’m going to go over the original story of Donkeyskin, so bring your popcorn!