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SheaCon 2024: Wrap Up

SheaCon 2024 was last weekend and it's time to share the panel audio recordings!

But first I want to give a big thank you to all the Champions for attending, and for being such an amazing group! All of the panels and activities had great participation. It was so much fun to hang out with, laugh, and celebrate books with everyone, which is what the goal for Sheacon has always been.

Every year I also thank the Sheacon Planners–without them none of this would have happened, and they not only started organizing everything months ago they also have worked hard to make Sheacon smoother/more professional every year. Additionally, they acted as hosts for panels/events/games during Sheacon! They bravely kept up the conversation while running panels, organizing the group games, running the Retha and Dragons (or FATE) sessions, showing us all elf dancer stretches, and more.

Thank you so much to Akira, Anneli, Amanda, Ayrin, Batattack, Bluefires, Chelsea, Cheybri, Cindy, Cwang, Eleniel, Ellie, Emarynn, FrogPrincess994, Gwen, Jordan, Kamashida, Kimberly, LouBerry, Miriel, Prolly, QoP, Rachel, RayJay, RoseTen, Vin, and Zooknar. You guys are the best!

This is also the perfect chance to thank and salute our Chief Sheacon Planner, Cindy. Cindy puts in serious hours organizing the conference–the scheduling she has to figure out months in advance is intense! She’s pretty much a professional chaos wrangler, and I’m so grateful for her.

Finally, I want to thank our Director of Discord, Vin, and the Mod Squad– Smasher, Batattack, Cimorrene, and Rog–for helping all the new members in our discord server who joined so they could attend Sheacon, and our Facebook Mods–Megen, Sarah, and Jocelyn–who kept our community Facebook Group informed in the lead up to Sheacon!

Also, a big thank you to Melanie Cellier, Deborah Grace White, Shari L Tapscott, and Brittany Fichter who were our guest authors this year with a special call out to author Kimberly Rogers who hosted our relationship analysis panel.

Panel Recordings

Finally, for those of you who missed out on attending in person there are audio recordings of all the main panels! Our diligent Sheacon Planners recorded these so you can listen to them at your leisure! (If you enjoyed these recordings, please leave a quick comment thanking the Sheacon Planners!)

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