The 2025 Readers Take Denver event I previously announced I would be attending was cancelled by the event organizers over the weekend. According to their website if you purchased tickets you will automatically be reimbursed. If you booked a hotel room or anything else related to the event you should go ahead and cancel that now. There is more information on their website about ticket reimbursement: Readers Take Denver - Home I was looking forward to meeting many of you in person and I am sad we won't have this opportunity anymore. I will not be attending any other in person events in 2024/2025 but you can join me at our online event, Shea-con, this year July 19th-21st (more info to come!).
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Archived Comments
May 02, 2024 at 05:39 PM UTC
Please get well!❤️
May 02, 2024 at 04:12 PM UTC
Hey, Kitty!
I just got the newsletter update about your writing hiatus, and I wanted to say:
GOOD. Thank you for taking care of yourself <3
We've been very worried about you, and while I'm glad you're not secretly dying, I've seen friends and relatives try to recover from health issues half as involved as yours have been, and it has knocked them out for months (or, in my Mom's case, a couple years).
Please take all the time you need, and know that we are here to support you <3
As for waiting for more books: we'll survive ; ) I'm used to waiting a year (or more *cough Brandon Sanderson cough*) for sequels to release; when I first discovered your "multiple books per year" release schedule, I thought I'd died & gone to heaven! You have already been going above and beyond for us, for many, many years. We'll survive ; )
Your books have gotten me (and I suspect many others) through very difficult times in our lives; the least we can do is be there for you! Therefore, if there is anything in particular we can do to support you, please let us know <3 I, for one, am about to start A Job (after many, many years of education!), and I intend to start collecting your books in paperback as soon as I get my first check! Please let us know if there are any other ways we can support you during this time.
You and your writing have meant the world to many of us, Kitty, and we care about you <3
Please take care of yourself, and know that we are here for you <3