The Things I could Do Oh The things I could do–If I stopped staring at youtube I could write a book or eat an ice cube Or find the time to make soup with a bouillan cube Oh the things i could do–if it’ weren’t for yahoo I could unclog the sink drain, perhaps visit the loo I might snooze on the couch, or feed the animals at the zoo. But why stop there?There’s more to share! Why, just think of the things I could do if I stopped WASTING MY TIME ON THE INTERNET!!!!
Oh yes. It has happened. Today is a bad poetry day. I’m wrestling a lot with my current writing project–the heroine is a personality type I don’t usually write so I have to think very carefully before she speaks. (She hasn’t an ounce of sarcasm, and it is KILLING ME.) And the hero? He’s pretty uninterested. In everything. I know I supposedly control him as the author, but this guy is a new breed of stubborn and calmness. He makes Arion, from Red Rope of Fate, look like a socially adjusted, emotionally competent man.
By the end of the week I promise I will reveal this new project–remember it’s a stand alone book–but I want to get a little farther before I officially announce it so I can better predict what my release schedule looks like for the rest of the year. So please hang in there, Champions. I would like to take this moment to greet all my new readers who picked up a free (or bought) copy of any of my books this past weekend. You guys are making my blog traffic explode–which I take great joy in. I hope you like what you read and feel free to stick around, comment, or contact me with any of your thoughts! Until then, I’ll see you all on Wednesday.