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SheaCon: Games (Unscrambler, Cryptograms & Madlibs)

The release of SheaCon games continues and this time I have some excellent printable options to share with you, so you can give your eyes a screen break and still have fun!

Previews of the unscrambler cryptograms and madlibs

Magical Beings Word Unscrambler

Unscramble the names of these magical beings (example: Elf) found throughout my books (so they are not restricted to one series). Note: the first page is the list of words and the second page is the answer key so don't look at the second page until you are ready to check your answers! Thanks to Cheybri for creating this!

Quote Cryptograms

Popular book quotes from various K. M. Shea series have been encrypted (i.e. each letter in each quote has been swapped with a random letter). Use the letters given in the key and your puzzle-solving skills to decode the quote. Thanks to Cheybri for creating these too!

Sheaverse Madlibs!

Replace words from an existing book scene to be story accurate or a hysterical monster! Thanks to LouBerry for creating these!


A NOUN is the name of a person, place or thing. Blood, toddler, chicken and finger are nouns. PLURAL means more than one.

A VERB is an action word. Eat, flip, jump and fly are verbs. Ate, flipped, jumped and flew are PAST TENSE VERBS.

AN ADJECTIVE describes something or somebody. Happy, fluffy, awesome, colorful and tall are adjectives.

AN ADVERB tells how something is done. It modifies a verb and often ends in -ly. Quietly, violently, smoothly and never are adverbs.

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