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kettlebell beachbabe

July 07, 2015 at 03:55 AM UTC

Enjoy your holiday, sit back relax soak up the sun & get those creative juices pumping 😉
It is winter here in Australia so I’m a bit rugged up even when I go in the ocean I’m in a full wetsuit. I love summer time. Lol, enjoy your brake.


July 10, 2015 at 02:09 AM UTC

You were right on–I needed a brief break so I could come back and tackle my projects. Just finished a huge editing session on Puss In Boots! Anyway, you have my admiration for entering the ocean in your winter season. Puttering around on the beach is one thing, but going all the way in? Yeesh! I salute you!

Vicki Conoley

July 06, 2015 at 07:45 PM UTC

Hiya 🙂 You said you are bringing out cinderella in paperback but I was just wondering if you have brought out the wild swans yet? Or will the order be different in paperback? I hope you’re had a fun weekend!


July 10, 2015 at 02:05 AM UTC

Wild Swans will get a paperback release…eventually. The hold up is the two different endings. It’s going to require some fancy formatting on my end to get the pages lined up, so I want to get a few more paperback releases under my belt as experience before I attempt it. Paperback releases are nerve-wracking as I can’t change anything after the books are printed. Thank you for your patience, though! 🙂

Summer Reading

Salutations, Champions! I was going to do a King Arthurs wrap-up post and finish with a character popularity poll today, but I’m on a vacation and I’m using a laptop that is, apparently, very much against polls and such, so instead today is an announcement post for my Summer Reading Program!

In summer, American Libraries typically have children and adult summer reading programs that reward people for reading. I used to work at a library, so summer reading programs have a special place in my heart, which is why I decided to create my own version. In the month of July I’m offering four of my books for free on three different weekends. The books and their free dates are listed below, and can be found on Amazon.

  1. Beauty and the Beast: Free July 9-11

  2. Enthroned: Free July 16-18

  3. Robyn Hood: A Girl’s Tale: Free July 23-25

  4. Enchanted: Free July 26-28

I’ll be posting reminders, but these dates are set in stone so feel free to mark your calendars!

In other news, I’m working on the first round of Puss In Boots edits from Editor #2. It looks like we’ll be on schedule for an early/mid August release. Editor #1 is hacking her way through the King Arthur books, and I’ve been busy writing…a book. 😉 In July I’m hoping to finish that book, edit Cinderella and the Colonel for a paperback release, and finish one other smaller writing project I’ve had sitting on the back burners for a while. (Information about these projects will be released in a few weeks.)

That’s all for today! I’ll be back on my work computer later this week, so you can expect to see a King Arthurs popularity poll  by the weekend. Thanks for reading, Champions. Have a marvelous week!

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