It’s here, it’s here! United – Book #2 in Pack of Dawn and Destiny–is available now to purchase or borrow from Kindle Unlimited! This book has some big reveals for Pip and Greyson, along with the rest of the pack. My favorite, charming, ever so naughty pair of cats makes an appearance as well!

I hope you enjoy it! If you’re still reading this and haven’t already run off to read the book I wanted to let you know I will be running my usual review special for this book. Once United gets approximately 100 reviews (I look at Goodreads and all the Amazon stores) I’ll release a special short story I wrote to celebrate this book launch!
Thank you so much for your honest reviews. They help fellow readers figure out if the book is something they’d be interested in, which is especially useful in large genres like urban fantasy/paranormal romance where it can be so hard to find a story that is exactly what you as a reader like!
Now I’m off–I’m working on finishing up Fated, the last book in Pip’s trilogy! Happy reading, Champions, and thanks for dropping by!