Good news all around! The Sleeping Beauty edits are going great! It never bodes well when the wizards (AKA my editors) suggest major revisions, and thus far it looks like it’s in pretty good shape. So it should be able to slide into its December release date with no problems!
I’m making some edits to Cinderella–there are no plot revisions, it’s all just stylistic stuff that you all hopefully won’t notice–but because of that I’ve temporarily blocked paperback sales. There are still some third parties selling copies, but ignore them! Cinderella paperback sales should be back up in January with the errors ironed out and a new cover to boot. Additionally, Red Rope of Fate and Swan Lake are at the formatters right now for paperback release. With a lot of luck, they’ll be available for purchase before Christmas time! Finally, I’ve gotten to work on some new short stories for the Snow Queen Anthology, which will be released this December as well. So yay for projects staying on time! (For once. Hah!)
Though I’m catching up on all this background work, I wanted to take a post to celebrate some awesome Champions. First up, we have a piece of Beauty and the Beast fanart!

Elle and Severin of B&B: Drawn by Melissa Kaye
This has been posted in the gallery for a bit, but I still wanted to give a public shout out to Melissa Kaye for her awesome artwork! Elle and Severin are very special to me because their book launched my career (Never mind that they were the most difficult couple for me to match-make. GAH!) so it was really fun to receive this. (I think the lighting effect and the background are especially drool-worthy. Wowza!) Thanks again, Melissa, for making it!
Also, back in September I got some really sweet and touching letters from Champions who were mailing in to receive a Snow Queen postcard! So a big thank you to Carly H., Audrey, Cami P, Kenley C., and Maegan S! Britta (my intern) handed over your letters right after I was coming out of a rough work week, and your letters were the pick-me-up I badly needed! Thank you so much for your encouragement and your kind words, it was really special to read your thoughts.
Which also reminds me, Sydney J.–Britta tried to mail off your postcard, but the post office said the address wasn’t deliverable. If you want to shoot me an email so we can figure out what address to send it to, that would be great!
That’s everything for today! Thanks for reading, Champions. I hope you have a lovely weekend!