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Enthroned has Arrived

Enthroned is on Amazon and available for purchase at the price of $0.99 today if you’re anxious to read it. Otherwise Enthroned will be available for free tomorrow, August 8, through Monday, August 12.

I reorganized parts of my blog to make book navigation easier. My books are now divided into two (technically three) categories: Books and Series. All stand alone books can be found in the Books page, while all series can be found in the Series page. I left Life Reader’s page up because it doesn’t really belong in either section–although it does have a blurb in the Books page–and because it is the only book I have out that is priced at $2.99.

A few of you readers were on the blog while I was mixing it up.  I apologize if I confused you and misdirected you during my blog remodeling.

I cannot tell you how happy I am that Enthroned is loaded and ready to go. Release deadlines always make me flighty–and a bit snappy if the words of my family can be trusted.

Speaking of which, I am canceling the Sword from the Stone contest. The various prizes I finally managed to come up with will work much better for book two  of King Arthur and Her Knights, Enchanted. Talk Shop is up and ready to go, though, so please review Enthroned to get the bonus material! (For details see the top post.)

Thanks for reading, and enjoy your day!

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