I am thrilled to share that I finished writing MBRC 2 on Saturday! I start editing this week, and I hope to release it near the end of September. In celebration of the pending release, Myrrhlynn has redone the cover of My Life at the MBRC, so it will match the sequel’s cover. (Yes, she’s already hard at work on it.)
Brownie points to the Champions who correctly guess what characters are on the cover.
Isn’t it fun? Myrrhlynn had to draw this on her computer instead of using photos as she has done for most of my covers. It’s a new style, but I think it fits with Morgan and her pals. (I especially love the little blue dragon sitting on the R!) Thanks Myrrhlynn for another fantastic cover!
Continuing with the MBRC themed celebration…I’m hoping to make My Life at the MBRC either free or available for a discount in the middle of September. I’m a little slippery on dates right now because I don’t have a very good idea what day I’ll release the sequel. Yet.
So what do you think of the new art? Any guesses who will be featured on the next MBRC cover? Thanks for reading, Champions. I will keep you posted with my editing progress!
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