The audio for Sheacon will be coming…soonish. I can’t give an estimate as I am happily on a short vacation as we speak, but when I get back to work I’ll work on making it available to you!
But! I do have some related audio news for you! First up, the complete boxset of the Magical Beings’ Rehabilitation Center is now available on Audible and you can get it on Amazon too. The narrator for this series was Natalie Duke – she also narrated Hazel in the Hall of Blood and Mercy series as well – and she did a great job with this story and capturing Morgan’s no nonsense attitude.

Just like the Snow Queen series I decided to release the full boxset (including the short story collection) as one single audiobook so you can easily binge the whole series and you only have to use one credit if you have the Audible monthly program.
If you haven’t tried this series before, if is a paranormal romance/urban fantasy that is set in the Midwest of the United States but it is not in the same world as my Magiford series. It is however, famous among the Champions for its humor–especially if you can handle jokes about Twilight. Whenever I ask the Champions to tell me what they like about this series the humor is always the #1 thing they bring up. Come for the paranormal romance tropes, stay for Morgan’s quick wit and epic one-liners!
It’s considered young adult because Morgan is a teenager in both books but the high school drama is pretty nonexistent–this series is more about finding the humor in what every day supernatural creatures would be like if they really existed in our world. (Vampires drink tomato juice, werewolves have fleas, cyclops run multimillion dollar businesses, that sort of thing!) The side characters really steal the show in this series with their zany personalities and hysterical antics.
And now for some more Audio book news:
What’s coming next for audio books? Well you can always get the most up-to-date news by checking my coming soon page, but I’ll save you a click and let you know that the King Arthur and Her Knights audio book has started recording and me and the audio team are hopeful it will be available this fall. (We’re going with late October-ish, maybe November because the closer we get to Christmas the longer Audible takes to approve audio files.) The Gate of Myth and Power series will be the next series after King Arthur and you can expect it in early 2024. (Originally I was hoping to get King’s Captive out before Christmas…and then I remembered Audible sometimes takes a full month to OK projects in November/December. So it is not looking good, and it would be better if you plan for 2024 for all three books.)

I also uploaded an experimental audio short story to my Youtube series for my Twisted Tale short story. (This was part of the SheaCon goodie bag but I wanted to make sure you saw it.) It’s an experiment because we created this using an AI voice not a human narrator so we could make it free for everyone to listen to. If you have a Youtube account please like/comment on the video so we can determine if we should make more of these.
I will continue to use human narrators for all my audiobooks available for purchase, but I wanted to try something different and it’s amazing how much the AI “robot” voices have improved. And let me also take this chance to plug my Freebies and Extra page where you can find Twisted Tale and all my other short stories that are stand alone or related to one of my existing series!
That’s all for today, but I wanted to thank you Champions again for all the love and support you showered on me with the loss of Perfect Dog. Thank you so much for the stories and (in Facebook’s case) pictures. It really did help.