It’s out now–to purchase or borrow! That’s right, Trial of Magic (Fairy Tale Enchantress #4) is finally here!

I have been waiting SO LONG for this book, Champions. I’ve been planning it since I released Wild Swans waaaay back in 2014. But!! This book is enormous, clocking in at nearly 193,000 words. That’s about a novella length longer than Reign of Magic. So, pace yourselves! You want to be coherent and awake for the ending, trust me! 😉
In more fun news, I’m holding my usual release celebration (Yay!) but this time it’s a little different! As my thank you for all your honest reviews/ratings as well as your general support for this series, I’ll be releasing a special goodie, and a bonus short story! The special goodie will drop when Trial of Magic reaches about 100 reviews/ratings–that’s across all Amazon stores and including Goodreads reviews! The bonus short story–which is from Clovicus’ point of view–will drop when Trial reaches 200 reviews/ratings! (That might feel like a much higher amount than normal, but since Amazon added the ratings features, there are loads more people leaving ratings, so I fully expect you Champions to unlock both prizes in less than 4 days, hahah)
In continued celebration news, Apprentice of Magic will be on sale for 99 cents for roughly the next two weeks!

If you don’t have a copy of Apprentice of Magic, now is your chance to snatch it up for this discounted price!
Finally, there are a few twists in Trial of Magic, so be careful for spoilers if you haven’t finished the book and you’re looking to join in the facebook/blog/discord discussions! But that covers it all–thanks for reading, Champions, and enjoy!