Greetings, Champions! I know many of you are working on your own books or aspire to write your own story! Have you participated in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month)? It takes place every November when thousands of people join together with the goal to finish a 50,000 word novel before the end of the month.
The main website ( has a ton of resources to help you track your writing progress and keep the motivation going!

The official insignia of NaNoWriMo–I love it!
This year is one of the first times in a long time when my writing schedule works out so I’ll be writing a book during the month of November! (It’s the first book in the Angelique series for those who are curious!) For those of you participating, I want to help you out! Below are links to my Author resource page and
Writing Tips I did as a part of a previous blog post series.
I’ll try to keep you guys updated on my progress, but I’m a bit nervous because Angelique’s first book is probably going to be more in the 80,000 word range, which means I’ll have to push it to finish in the month. If anyone wants to add me as a NaNoWriMo writing buddy the profile I’m using is: kmshea (no spaces or periods).
How about you guys? Are any of you going to attempt it?