Cue the music, Champions, I have the cover art for Snow Queen book 2: Sacrifice!

Sacrifice is nearly ready to go! Editor #1 is doing a final read through to make sure everything is in tip top condition. (She’s been an absolute doll about the final read through. Thanks to some unexpected timeline hiccups with editing, she got it very late, but she’s squeezing it into her schedule anyway. Thank you Jeri!) If all goes well I should be able to get Sacrifice launched before 2/29, but I’ll let you all know the moment I have it going up. Okay, details aside, let’s talk covers!
Sacrifice marks the first time a male character graces the cover of a Timeless Fairy Tale! If you haven’t guessed yet, the hooded character is none other than Colonel Farrin Graydim of the Chosen Army. Myrrhlynn (my cover artist) spent a long time choosing the picture to use for Farrin–she specifically wanted a male holding a sword–but she’s known since I released Heart of Ice that she wanted to put Farrin on book 2’s cover. Sacrifice, just like Heart of Ice, has a cover made of multiple layers. (The model, the snow, and the background.) Thankfully, cutting Farrin out was much easier than cutting out Rakel for Heart of Ice. Rakel’s dress cuffs were fur lined, so she had to cut out the fur and then re-fluff it. She’s been working on this over several weeks, so it’s been a lot of fun to see the cover taking shape piece by piece. Thanks for all your hard work, Myrrhlynn!
That’s all for today, Champions. Thank you for your patience, and thank you for reading!