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July 29, 2020 at 01:42 AM UTC

Take care of you first. We will wait for the books. (As long as you don’t take 20+ years with no sign of the next book in the series. 😂)


July 10, 2020 at 10:35 AM UTC

I feel for you on the moving bit. I’m in the process of leaving Houston. It’s way too big and living there has been overly stressful especially in the past year due to a nightmarish commute. (And I now know that big cities aren’t for me lol.) But I’m about to start grad school in a much smaller city so I’m excited for the change of pace.

I’m happy to hear about the Leila series and that you’re doing what you need to in order to make things less stressful. Gotta do what’s best for your mental and physical health. 🙂

Diane Craig

July 09, 2020 at 11:43 PM UTC

Loved the Hall of Blood and Mercy and am looking forward to the next trilogy in this world!

Carol Meadows

July 09, 2020 at 07:42 PM UTC

I want my favorite authors to take care of themselves. Even if that means slight disappointment for fans.

I would rather have a book pushed back a year than a stressed out, burnt out author.

Take your time. Be well.


July 09, 2020 at 07:34 PM UTC

Thanks so much, Kitty for the update!

As a working professional in Madison, WI, I thoroughly enjoy your lighthearted fairy tales, your snarky books…pretty much all of them! Just keep writing and I could probably speak for 1/2 of your readers, that we’ll ready anything you write and thoroughly look forward to any/all of your releases!

I thoroughly support your move to the country! I live more in the outlying areas around Madison, which was a lovely city and area until recently. After a recent visit to the city, I decided I don’t need to go back for quite awhile. I’ll pray you find just the right little spot for you in the country to encourage creativity and peace of mind for your career.
Blessings on all you do! Thank you!


July 09, 2020 at 06:35 PM UTC

Love the preview! Looking forward to all of your plans! I’ll read anything you write!! Good luck on your move!


July 07, 2020 at 07:05 AM UTC

Thank you so much for the info and the updates Kitty! As someone who is also in the process of moving, I think giving yourself time and less to do during the move is a great idea! It’s craziness! I’m looking forward to all those novels! I love all your series and books, so no matter what you write I’ll be sure to read and love it! ♡

Meagan C.

July 06, 2020 at 05:38 PM UTC

I love the sneak peak, Kitty! Thank you for sharing! And thanks for keeping us all up-to-date with your plans!


July 06, 2020 at 05:09 PM UTC

Yay, Quinn! So glad her part of Angelique’s story is next! I loved Twelve Dancing Princesses, and Quinn + Emerys are one of my favorite couples!


July 28, 2020 at 12:55 AM UTC

Me too! I love them! ❤️


July 04, 2020 at 06:04 PM UTC

Oh mY gOSh- I didn’t realize The Prince’s Bargain was so close to being released!!! Squealing!!!


July 06, 2020 at 08:38 PM UTC



July 04, 2020 at 09:45 AM UTC

Best wishes for the move, Kitty. I hope you find a cool place to live in.
While I am disappointed to not get my Angelique/ Evariste fix this year, getting a new HOBM trilogy almost makes up for it. The sneak peek was fun and I dropped my work to read it 🙂 Thanks for that, and also, thanks for keeping us updated!


July 04, 2020 at 04:24 AM UTC

Thank you for the update. I look forward to reading Leila’s story. The way I see it, you are giving us two more books than originally planned this year even though some of them aren’t the ones originally planned on. Can’t complain about that. I look forward to all the books you release. This might mean I’ll need to refresh my memory of the Hall of Blood and Mercy Trilogy just to get back into the mindset of that world before Leila’s story is released. (Darn! 😉)

I’m with you on living in the country. Very much preferable to living in the city if you can. So much simpler than a big city. I envy you that one so enjoy the peace and quiet. It’s very relaxing!

Thanks for the sneak peak of the next Angelique book. It certainly wet my whistle and has me looking forward to it as much as ever. Of course, I’m very much looking forward to The Prince’s Bargain and the 4th Elves of Lessa book, and the next Retha Book. It’s probably a good thing for me that you take some time between books, because otherwise, I’d just read and not get hardly anything done around here.

Just take care of yourself and we’ll be ready to read when you are read to publish. Thanks again!


July 04, 2020 at 01:32 AM UTC

Thanks so much for the update Kitty. I appreciate every single word you shared! I’ve been checking back regularly for the updates on Angelique (literally since the night I read the last one), super glad to hear the plan. Carry on, happy writing, happy summer, happy sorting and packing!

Bethany B Poston

July 03, 2020 at 06:13 PM UTC

Hey Kitty,
Thanks so much for the update. Having just completed a move I needed for my mental and physical health. I completely understand, needing to get into a new place. And thanks so much for dropping the preview, I can’t wait for the upcoming series.
Take care of yourself.


July 03, 2020 at 02:12 AM UTC

Thanks so much for the sneak peak I was freaking outtt. I can’t wait for the other books either❤️❤️❤️❤️


July 03, 2020 at 02:03 AM UTC

I read somewhere that a different epic fantasy author tried a new tactic for the first edit of his monster book. He’d write a few chapters, then send those to his editor while he worked on the next chunk. If you’re worried about the time aspect of editing, something like this might be useful – especially since you’re already writing ToM in blocks!


July 03, 2020 at 12:29 AM UTC


Sophie B.

July 03, 2020 at 05:19 AM UTC

I’M THE SAME! THANK YOU KITTY!!! I LOVED seeing Quinn from Angelique’s perspective.

And Kitty, take the time YOU need and DON’T worry about disappointing us readers with later release dates. Us readers rather have you happy and healthy than having faster release date because we know that you can only do your best writing when YOU are at YOUR best. Besides, us readers are the patient type. We can handle the long waits; it gives us more time to reveal and geek out with the anticipation. THANK YOU for the great books that you HAVE written and WILL write.

Hillary Hermansen

July 10, 2020 at 01:46 AM UTC

Agreed! Couldn’t have said it better 😉


July 02, 2020 at 10:32 PM UTC

I’m glad Leila’s story is coming out this year as I have NO patience for these sort of things, so this made me in a good mood. Also, I’m am proud to say…… QUINN IS A SAINT. That’s all I feel like saying toodle-loo.


July 02, 2020 at 09:54 PM UTC

My first thought when I read that fairytale enchantress series was more delayed was that if we could skip this whole year of 2020 . But when you said Leila s’ series is coming next month, Wow! It is something to look forward to and especially if it contains dialogues like ” You are as convincing as a cockroach ” and I am soooo excited for prince s’ bargain and the upcoming interview. And thanks a lot for angel s’ sneak peek I am so happy that finally, my two favorite heroines are going to meet and I just loved the image angelique has of Emerys. I am so glad for u kitty. I just can’t wait anymore for the trial of magic but I know it will be worth the wait( though u could make a quiz to determine which character we would be if we lived in angel s world like u made for hazel s’ world) and this book will be trying for you to write so all the best kitty.


July 02, 2020 at 08:49 PM UTC

Im so happy for you Kitty! I personally loathe the city so I’m so thankful you’re moving forward with your dreams and making a fresh start. I’ll be praying for this season of transition and that your writing remains fun and not stressful through it all. I LOVED the sneak peek (honestly I love everything you’ve written) and I think we’re all content to wait knowing you’re happy and all the great things we can look forward to in the future.


July 03, 2020 at 02:22 AM UTC

I totally second this. As Champions we know that you are doing your best, and we won’t fault you for putting your health and happiness first. Everything you write is amazing, so whatever book you put out will be too. Also, thank you for the sneak peek. I love seeing writers’ first drafts, and I really enjoyed the little notes you made. They made me smile.


July 03, 2020 at 01:09 AM UTC

Yes! What she said! ❤️

Esther Mandville

July 02, 2020 at 08:18 PM UTC

Thank you for letting us know, and please please please take care of yourself!! Mental health is so important 💛

Life Updates/Re-arranging book releases

Hello Champions! I’m going to rip the band aid off pronto and tell you guys that I’ve had to do some re-arranging to my release schedule for the next year.

Originally I was planning to tackle Elves of Lessa book 4 next, but I’m actually swapping it for Leila’s trilogy (my next urban fantasy trilogy) which I will now be tackling next month. I can hear the Urban Fantasy Champions rejoicing, and I am right there with you! But I know some of you are wondering about the next book in my Fairy Tale Enchantress series, which I was originally hoping to launch in December. Sadly, it is probably going to get pushed back about two months as a result of this, but before I get into that I want to give a little life update/explanation for the change.

Currently, I live in a fairly big city, and I’ve been here for roughly five or six years now. Before I moved here, I always lived in the country. As any of my Instagram followers or my Facebook Champions can tell you, I still love the countryside and nature in general. Because of this, I always planned to leave the city in the next few years, but after a rocky few months here in 2020, I’ve decided I am making 2021 the year I’m going to move back to the country. Ideally I’ll be able to make this feat in spring or early summer of 2021. But that means I’m going to be adding a bunch of new stress to my life then.

Thankfully, my family knows everything about my career, are heavily involved in my life, and have no problem lovingly bossing me around, so a few weeks ago my mom–who also beta reads for me and keeps an eye on the website, hi Mom!–gently suggested I rethink my writing schedule in preparation for moving…because trying to write Leila’s trilogy so I could release it on one go like I did with Hall of Blood and Mercy WHILE trying to find a new place to live and get packed was going to be a nightmare.

Annnnd she’s right. There’s no way I’d be able to handle it. So! My new schedule this year is to launch The Prince’s Bargain this month (July) and then write and release Leila’s urban fantasy trilogy–which will hopefully be out in late fall–and finally write Fairy Tale Enchantress book # 4.

I’m really excited about Leila’s trilogy–it’s going to (hopefully) be just as lighthearted/funny and action packed as Hall of Blood and Mercy. And right now I think we could all use a little laughter. So Urban Fantasy Champions, let’s give a cheer!

However, since I’m writing three books instead of one next, Fairy Tale Enchantress # 4 is going to get pushed back–probably to February, or March at the very latest. But! I was a little concerned this would worry the Fairy Tale Enchantress Champions, so I’m going to let you in on a little secret I’ve been hiding, just to assure you that Fairy Tale Enchantress Book # 4 is coming! Here we go: I’ve actually already started writing it.

Yep, I am roughly about 1/4th finished with the book. (It’s hard to know because the Fairy Tale Enchantress books have been so long, and I don’t know exactly where this one will be length wise.) I worked on it for two weeks before I started writing The Prince’s Bargain, and I just finished up another week of working on it. I’ll continue to work on it between Leila’s books, so by the time I’m finished with Leila’s books I’ll hopefully be about 3/4 finished with Angelique.

The downside to this is that the Fairy Tale Enchantress books take so long to edit, even if I finish writing it this year it will still be a two-month process to get it edited, and that doesn’t include formatting, and all the other behind-the-scenes stuff that goes into launching a book.

But the important thing is I want you guys to know I’m seriously working on Fairy Tale Enchantress, and it will be the next project after Leila’s trilogy. It’s a real beast of a book–which is why writing it between Leila’s books actually helps. Breaking it up makes it more manageable, so I don’t sit there staring at my word count and dreading that the book is maybe a fourth finished even though I’d be well past the halfway point for one of my regular novels. (For comparison, the previous Fairy Tale Enchantress– Reign of Magic–was 160,000 words. The Prince’s Bargain is 88,000 words. Beauty and the Beast is roughly 65,000 words. Currently I have over 40,000 words finished in this project.)

Thank you for understanding, Champions. I can’t express how excited I am for my future life changes, and I’m glad I can adjust my work schedule to make it possible.

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