Preparations for Frog Prince continue! I have all the extras written up–they just have to go through a round of editing–and I had a lot of fun with these particular extras, so I really hope you all enjoy them. So far it looks like we are on schedule for a late October/early November release!
Assistant Rock Star Meg has begun the awful daunting task of going through all my manuscripts and reformatting them. This is a bigger task then it sounds because it just so happens I’m horrible at consistency, so each manuscript is out of order in its own, unique way. Hopefully we’ll be able to get a few new paperbacks out before Christmas–in particular Wild Swans and Rumpelstiltskin. Thanks for your patience, Meg!
Additionally, I have some new, beautiful fan art to display! Champion Mary Theresa created something I’m particularly gleeful about: the flag standards for Erlauf, Arcainia, and Verglas!
I have to commend Mary’s attention to detail as the standards are really only mentioned one time each in the entire series and she perfectly nailed the colors and country symbols. (I also like that she made each shield different!) But I think this is also an incredibly high compliment. As an author, it’s a little easier for me to flesh out characters and scenes for you all as readers, but countries are on a totally different level. So I’m so happy that Mary was interested enough in the countries and their standards that she decided to make these. (Thanks Mary!)
That’s all for today! Thanks for reading, Champions, and have a lovely weekend!