Time to celebrate, Champions, we reached over 200 reviews/ratings!
Thank you so much for your support and love! It’s been a crazy whirl wind this week between Trial of Magic‘s release and the upcoming Sheacon, but as usual you Champions have spoiled me as you rally behind Angelique and her story! 😉

As one final act of celebration, here’s a short story from Clovicus’s point of view! It’s called “Dealing with Bureaucracy” and takes place just before the events of Trial of Magic! (Click here for the PDF!) This short story does NOT have spoilers for Trial of Magic, but it does have general spoilers up to roughly 12 Dancing Princesses in Timeless Fairy Tales/all previous Fairy Tale Enchantress books.
However! I will be talking about Trial of Magic on my Sunday panel at Sheacon, and that section will be FILLED with spoilers, so make sure you read it before that panel!
Thanks for reading, and have a lovely week!