Hello Champions! It’s been a while since I’ve posted any writing tips, so I really wanted to do that today, but I realized I don’t really have a good idea what you guys want to know about writing, so instead I’m holding a poll to find out what interests you the most!
The poll will be open for roughly one week. You can only vote for one topic, but you can vote more than once–though I would appreciate it if you cast your votes for the things you are most passionate about so I know what to prioritize. These were all the general topics I could think of at the moment, but if you have a particular topic you would like to see me cover please give me a shout out in the comments below.
I’ll wait for the poll results before I tackle any real writing tips, but I know in the past I’ve been asked a few times by readers who badly want to write, but find it difficult to snatch more than a few minutes at a time. I have found the book for you: 5,000 words per hour. It’s an ebook that outlines how the author manages to write 4,000 to 5,000 words in an hour–which is roughly 8-10 pages of a Microsoft Word Document. Warning: I have tried his method, and I’m not certain how the heck he does it. Using his method DID help me increase my output, but I max out at roughly 2,000 words per hour, well below what he clocks in.
BUT, the idea of maximizing your output isn’t why I think you should check this book out. As I mentioned, I have this book in mind for writers who find it difficult to muster up the time. Trying to write for an hour is probably out of their reach. The reason why I think this book will be a perfect jump-start for you time-masters, is because he gives a detailed method that shows you how to start writing for five minute stretches. After a few weeks of practice, if you can slip a couple of these five minute sessions in your day, you should be able to get about a page done per day. It doesn’t sound like a fabulous pace, but after half a year you should have a decent-length novel!
That’s all for today, Champions! Thank you for voting in the poll, and I look forward to seeing what you guys are interested in. Have a great week!
