Myrrhlynn finished the cover for Farewell to the MBRC? (Note the question mark!) I owe her a big, fabulous thanks because it turned out fantastic! I think my favorite part is the lute. The scene that involves the lute was the most fun to write, so I was thrilled when she mentioned she was going to add it in the cover. Anyway! There are two characters on the cover who make their debut in Farewell to the MBRC?, Harrison–the goblin on the left–and Grogrintork–the dwarf wielding the huge axe. That leaves three characters for you to guess, although to be fair, the sphinx wasn’t named in My Life at the MBRC.

Champions, hang in there! Farewell to the MBRC comes out this Friday! (Hopefully it will be uploaded Thursday evening!) Thank you for reading, and good luck guessing the characters!