Thanks to everyone who participated in the character naming contest for The Revived. There were so many good names it was really hard to pick just a few. The winners (and the name they submitted) are listed below. If I didn’t pick one of your names, don’t worry! I’m going to save all the entries and I plan to use them for names in books 4 and 5, so your submitted name still might make it into a book! (Particularly since that last one is going to be a doozy)

This adorable artwork concerning the contest was done by the awesome Champion Zeke–I love the hat on “Smart me” <3
Okay, and the winners are (grouped together, might I add, by the characters’ guilds/parties)…
Shooty D’Arrow is the name of the hunter– submitted by Melanie, and the hunter is joined by guildmates Metronome–submitted by Hannah–and Konk–submitted by Alvin Greunke.
The female scout claimed the name Hide_N_Seek by Cherie Smith, while the swordsman selected Arild Edge by Elizabeth Davis, the spellbinder chose Glowrious–compliments of Glowrious–and the Mystic went for Lumina Myst, submitted by Dawn.
The crazy fantasy name I picked for the super-fantasy fan is: Ai’lan’therristos–submitted by Ravi!
I also had some unexpected additional winners:
Lydia, who suggested Edmund Ironside–a name snatched up by a first officer I was finishing with!
Zeke, submitted name: Nick; Jake, submitted name Greg; and Aidan, submitted name Kellivar–their submitted names went to a pack of guildmates seen briefly at the end of the book.
Thanks again to everyone who submitted a name! You guys had some awesome names I can’t wait to add into Book 4 and Book 5. But in the meantime, stay tuned for information about The Revived‘s release date! (Spoiler: It’s not too much longer!!) Thanks for participating, and thanks for reading, Champions. As usual, you guys wowed me.