I have something important to say to all my A. M. Sohma/Second Age of Retha readers!
Thank you so much for your patience and your loyalty as I tackle the Fairy Tale Enchantress series, especially given that these books are harder than I imagined and it’s taking longer than I wanted. Your support means so much to me, I can’t tell you just how blessed I am to have you all.
But I thought I would express my thanks by crafting a little something special for you! So, ta da!
This is what I call a drabble–a cross of a very very short story with introspective musings from a particular character, usually a secondary one. I used to write them a lot when I first started writing because it was a good way to get into my secondary characters’ minds, but I really enjoy writing them because sometimes its the only way I ever get to share exactly what goes through a character’s mind. (I’ve done similar things for some K. M. Shea stories–like the short story from Rothbart’s POV.) This Second Age of Retha Drabble is from Gared of KOS’s perspective!
This drabble–and whatever ones I produce in the future–will be available under the freebies section and I’ll include a link to it on the A. M. Sohma page. (I am hoping to write a few more while you guys wait so patiently, so keep your eyes out for more announcements!)
I hope you enjoy it, and please let me again sincerely say I am so thankful for you all. Thanks for reading!