July 02, 2019 at 01:23 PM UTC
The third book is still my favorite. I don’t have theories yet, such as the harbinger and what is the Old bloke, because I feel I don’t have enough underlying data to make proper presumptions. It doesn’t mean, the others are not correct, I am just not good in it and like to play safe 😀
I do think Pet is important for the Old Bloke. I think the fact it was always the fluids he stole might be important, as well as the fact he keeps referring to as lady. I think he might have been testing her?
Athelas – I am unsure how to feel about his childhood. I think such a psychological torture would lead to a bigger distortion of psyche as he has. Depending on the age he was sold – provided Fae psyche has anything to do with human psyche. I just put this in the fays are just different in regards of attachment development. Aside from that he touches on my sympathy cords. I love his humor and his hidden tenderness and care. I feel sorry for him having to fear forming attachments. I hope he will find a proper partner for himself (maybe a kindly human librarian with the soul of the North Wind? – sounds like a proper counterpoint to balance and probe him).
He drastically increase the reread value of the book with how he entertains himself (and me. His humor is amazing.)
Zero – he really needs to be able to let go of thinking everything is about him. Must be difficult, since I presume the family is repeating over and over again, that things are. Once he can let that go, he won’t be feeling guilty about everything bad about him. It is very lucky he still has a way to distinguish good and bad, right and wrong. He might fail at times, but his compass is not that off. It is endearing how he tries to solve everything for everyone preferably without them knowing. But he needs to learn to deal with things in team. Pet is doing a good job in forcing them together. If I am to chose someone for him in the long run based on the current data, I would go for the golden Fae woman that can and is willing to stand up to him. Her silent ways and respectable strength might be a good partnership.
Morgana – she is scary for me. I don’t see her motivations and she makes Pet ignore questions with ease that reminds me on Erika and it rings all the wrong bells for me. Also probably because Morgana is a goddess in a Hungarian role playing game, goddess of dreams and shadows. She is believed to be dead, but her followers are secretly and quietly reviving her, aiming to rule the world from the shadows unbeknown to others. She is not evil or good. She is simply who she is, keeper and seeker of secrets, without giving information. Not a bad ally to have. Of course I am convinced City between Morgana heard nothing of MAGUS Morgana ever, so it is just something I would need to set my mind straight about. Still: she is suspicious and none, NONE calls her on the shady things happening around her. That makes my skin crawl. Again, based on the info I have, she and Daniel seem to have something going on between them.
Daniel, so far he did the biggest growing up. He is growing into a caring, affectionate, attentive good leader. He is also strong and able to sacrifice. His pack is lucky with him.
Tuatu – poor fellow. Seriously, just poor fellow. He is the real victim and he still isn’t insane. The dryad won’t die of boredom with him. No wonder the green man came to help out with him. Though it is peculiar. Why did the green man decide to intervene and help out Tuatu? I wonder if he has some inborn affinity too or just the charm of his grandmother is to blame. He is quite quick in understanding things though, like he realised fast enough he wasn’t the one remembering what his granny told him, but the dryad’s wisdom leading him to remember. I am not sure I would have jumped that bar. I hope there’ll come a point where he can solve a case without or against the triad’s better judgement. He deserves to be a hero on his own right, not in the shadow of others.
Pet, well yeah, we all want to know who and why she is the way she is. Why is she drawing in all the events around her, why can she do things she is not supposed to, why is she linked to the house the way she is. Is Daniel right, and is she behind kind? All in all she is still a kid watching the world in amazement. I like how she is brave enough to take things at face value and instead of asking why bad things happen, she focuses on what can we do with and about it. I adore her character flaws. While she is very open about facing danger and situations, she is not very open about her feelings and real thoughts. Not even to herself. She likes to use different explanations then her motivations at many times, even when opening a door. I am very glad she was willing to set limits to her moral compass. She is going toward the right path and I wish her strength in it. Lucky there is Morgana and Daniel there for her, because loneliness can erode quite a bit of moral standing over time.
JinYeong – I don’t know what to write, because it is difficult for me to see him without Pet. He always comes up in relation to her in my mind. So far he is the only one who stood up against Zero for her. He took his wrath just to make life easier for her. Without being asked. It takes something from the value that he actually loves arguing with Zero. I loved the expression he made, when Pet cared enough when Zero zapped him. I think that must have been a turning point for him. I can’t see many people caring enough. This also made the scene when the gold fay bated him with his sister’s death very emotional. The whole dynamics was one of the things that makes me rooting for them together. He is a lost soul, and she can anchor him. I don’t think he ever got over losing his sister. It must be very difficult to like the person who basically caused her corruption and demise. Not to mention, he can not really have a girlfriend. They just fall asleep the moment he kisses them. So yeah, Fay hate him, most trying to kill him, the one he likes the most is also (unwilling) reason for the person’s death he liked the most, people don’t get to a point where they learn about his personality, they either freak out, become mental salivating zombies or fall asleep. And that for 50 years now. I can forgive the cologne due to that. Though I utterly hate colognes. One thing I would point out: in the last book, when Pet was in danger, she trusted him to save her, not Zero. That is why I wasn’t surprised about her reaction to his kiss.
I also love Diana and her books, she is definitely in my top 5 authors, and while I enjoy her style and plot twist and smart tweaks, I think City Between has more layers and hidden hints. Though I think I reread both about the same times.
The character I would hate to leave out: the leprechaun. He is my favorite type of hero. With proper flaws, weaknesses, temptations, sacrifice and dignity. I hope we see him again in the future.
Outstanding questions aside from the general ones asked by others (such as Pet’s heritage, what is goal of Upper Management etc):
– why was the perython (or however it is spelt correctly) not afraid for his life?
– why is Zero alive after the first murder series of harbingers? The king didn’t kill him in the last round. Why?
– is there any sort of islander shaman magic or something? In other words: Tuatu’s grandmother 😀
and tonnes of others, that I forgot by the end of my flood of words.
And after word: yes for mistakes and flaws. YES. Angels are boring, and frustrating. They make me feel less and annoyed for it. Mistakes drives people to better themselves, mistakes (or laziness) is a motor behind development be it tangible or mental or intercharacter ones.
I am excited about Christmas and thankful, that we can have two books a year from this series. It is more than I can hope for, just don’t let WR Gingell know about that. It is better to keep her thinking, she must get out 4 City Between books a year at least >.>
Rachael Liankatawa
July 03, 2019 at 10:02 PM UTC
Your thoughts on Morgana have me fascinated! I didn’t ever visualize her as evil but anything could happen. The thing about being dead but having followers that are secretly reviving her definitely makes me think of the kids. I think her nightmare about being dead is real so mu guess was always that she was some kind of zombie creature but there is still so much mystery surrounding her. I can’t wait until more is revealed! (I am shipping her and Daniel too).
I felt like this book hinted at something to happen between Zero and the Golden Fae Lady so it will be interesting to see how that develops.
Yes to everything about JinYeong. Pet really is the best for him and I think future books will show how he is good for her too. The moment with the Golden Fae taunting him broke my heart but Pet knew what to do to calm him (even though she didn’t think she knew what to do her instincts were dead on).
July 03, 2019 at 11:51 PM UTC
I would be surprised if Morgana turned out to be evil or perilous. But I am paranoid and I think if something looks too good to be true, it isn’t. And Morgana is too good to be true. But at times random great things happen, there is reasonable good around and at times people just help you because they do. So she can be good without ulterior motives, but I’ll just keep looking at her crossly waiting the knife in the back till we learn more 😀
I suspect we’ll hear more of the golden fay lady. There are too many subtle hints about her being different for Pet to leave her alone. She was doomed to do Pet’s bidding the first time she smiled at Pet. I kinda feel sorry for her. Not enough for she endures her boss and even saved his sorry sitting accommodation when in peril, but she is just waiting for Pet to lure her good sides out. Or force them out. Whichever is more convenient at the time.
July 06, 2019 at 01:59 AM UTC
There’s really good insight here, Sara.
I had never thought of Pet as a harbinger (which still isn’t defined all that well). But it seems to be sort of a catalyst for action, not an actor. Pet is anything but passive. Heirling seems more likely. I have no doubt she’ll somehow play a strong role in deciding the next ruler of Behind. I could see her being a queen, even, with or without Zero. Or help Zero get the job. Or create a democracy for Behind (smile).
If Zero is heir to half of Behind, who’s in line for the other half?
Good question about how Zero survived the last purge of heirlings.
July 06, 2019 at 02:45 AM UTC
I’m rereading Between Jobs now and the exchange between Athelas, Zero and Pet when she pulls out the sword and then can’t on demand, and the when she explains some Behind kind opened the door to Between for her and Zero was relieved- it points to Athelas and Zero wondering if she was an Heirling, ……I thiiiiiink…! Zero was already fond of her and didn’t want to have to kill her in the fight for the throne…?
W.R. Gingell
July 04, 2019 at 10:10 AM UTC
Favourite comment of all time! 😂😂😂 “saved his sorry sitting accommodation” 😂😂😂
Rachael Liankatawa
July 04, 2019 at 12:21 AM UTC
Yep! Pet likes her so she is doomed 😂 kinda like all the Psycho’s.
Your “saved his sorry sitting accommodation” had me in stitches. Going to use that sometime.
July 03, 2019 at 06:22 PM UTC
I too like your Zero with the Fae Lady pairing. Everyone needs someone who will call them on it when they are wrong.
W.R. Gingell
July 03, 2019 at 09:22 AM UTC
😉 I won’t tell her if you don’t…
July 03, 2019 at 11:52 PM UTC
Agreed. I can be subtle. Me confirming that repeatedly doesn’t negate the fact, right?
July 02, 2019 at 07:12 PM UTC
Ooh- I like the Zero and the Fae lieutenant idea! Tuatu’s description of their standoff made me happy. I think they already respect/understand each other somewhat. Who knows what it could turn into?