It's been a really long wait, but I am VERY excited to announce that Gate of Myth and Power book 1, The King's Captive, will be releasing on audiobook on January 24!

I worked with Audible to assign this date, so I don't have a sale page I can link to but they have assured me it will release on the 24th! You can check my Audible page in the future on the 24th to find it.
Other Audiobook news:
Many thanks to everyone who has been patiently waiting over a year for this audiobook. There were multiple production related setbacks that me and my team couldn't control but now that we are back on track the remaining two books in this series have a schedule:
Book 2, The King's Shadow, will be available for pre-order on February 1st and will release February 21st
Book 3, The King's Queen, will be available in March (working on date)
Reminder that you can always check the Audiobook page on my website for the most up to date list of available audiobooks (my team updates this as soon as we know a book is released on Audible).