The launch of Magic Forged and the Hall of Blood and Mercy trilogy has been amazing!

Thank you so much to all the Champions who gave the series a try! I’ve been hearing from a lot of you who don’t normally read urban fantasy, and I can’t tell you how honored I feel that you decided to go for the series anyway and have enjoyed book #1! (I sincerely hope it’s made everyone laugh–or at least silent smile! 😉 )
A huge thank you to all the incredible Champions who’ve been leaving honest reviews! Those reviews help me, and are great for other potential Champions/readers to help them decide if the book is going to suit them or not! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
To celebrate all the reviews and Magic Forged‘s launch in general, I have a short story to share!! This one is from Killian’s point of view, and it takes place during the book, so if you have not read Magic Forged yet, beware! Here there be spoilers!
And with that warning, here’s the link for the extra: How to Adopt a Wizard
I actually should have released this last night, but I had just finished the final book in the trilogy–Magic Unleashed–and pretty much collapsed. I’m taking today to reset my creative juices (AKA I’ll fall asleep on Perfect Dog’s cushy dog bed and sleep all day since Monday and Tuesday were real marathons) and then dive into editing tomorrow.
I’ll give everyone the rest of the week to catch up on their reading, and then next week we’ll start the themed posts for Magic Forged! (We have so much fun stuff to talk about!)
That’s it for now, thanks for reading, Champions, and have a fantastic day!